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The Pathways Elementary PTA remains committed to providing support and material aid to our amazing faculty and staff! Our mission of making every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children is at the forefront of our minds when we plan programs/events and when we use our financial resources.


Faculty members of the PTA will enjoy the exclusive perk of our Teacher Incentive Program. Members can request up to $200 in funding for classroom materials/supplies or other resources to support student celebration or recognition. Members may use this perk individually or can choose to pool their benefits to pay for multi-class or entire grade-level initiatives.


ALL faculty and staff (PTA members and non-PTA members alike) can participate in the Teacher Mini-Grant Program. Proposals may be for projects, activities, books, equipment, etc. that will enhance the academic experience for both students and faculty at Pathways Elementary. Preference is given to proposals that benefit the greatest number of students or staff, but all applications will be considered. If approved, grants will be awarded on a first come, first served basis until the funds are depleted.


Request Process:

  • Complete the Teacher Incentive Check Request Form or Teacher Mini-Grant Application in its entirety.

  • Attach all applicable receipts and invoices

  • Place the documents in the PTA President Mailbox for signature

  • Once approved, the President will forward the documents to the Treasurer to process payment.

  • Checks will be placed in the requestor's mailbox

Incentive Request Form

Mini-Grant Application

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